accessing live show

Is something not working? Do you have a suggest about the website?
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accessing live show

Post by werenochickens »

OK, I have just spent 1/2 hour trying to access the live show today at 1 pm ET.  I can't receive a text right now but was able to log in.   I have subscribed 3 times already but nowhere does it show how to access the live show.  Nothing showed up on Telegram Messenger either.  What's the magic password?  Nothing should be this difficult.
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Joined: Wed Mar 23, 2022 10:20 pm
LOCATION (State/Country): Manchester, UK

Re: accessing live show

Post by chazzyf »

Go to the Live Shows sub-forum

Then click on the link provided for the appropriate show - which are all numbered and dated. Simples!
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