Can you put me in touch with QFS workers in France ?

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Rayon de soleil

Can you put me in touch with QFS workers in France ?

Post by Rayon de soleil »

Hello everybody ! If one of you has contacts in France of people working for QSI, for GESARA, the QFS, Q banks etc... Can you put me in touch with them ? I suppose you can send me a private message. I live in the South of France, near Lyon. I have no great knowledge in finance, so I suppose I have to learn, even if I have an intuitive way of understanding things. 
I can imagine working in these areas in the future, in a company or a state service that could be named "SFQ Conseil / Service" having my office, or in a co-working place, with collaborators, giving advice to people, making lectures, video projections, workshops, meetings...
I am also searching for financial advice, for an efficient coaching, to invest some money in the QFS, on Lobstr or others, in commercial actions in Q banks or in free energy start-ups or big companies who would declare they will work on free energy devices and generators... I would prefer in french, but I can understand quite well english if spoken slowly. Thank you very much in advance !
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Re: Can you put me in touch with QFS workers in France ?

Post by Admin »

Such people are not reachable, anywhere. They are under strict NDAs until NESARA/GESARA has been officially announced.

Keep watching our show and this forum. If you want to read the forum in French, you will find a language bar at the top right.

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Re: Can you put me in touch with QFS workers in France ?

Post by Admin »

I suggest you also join our sister forum, also run by Peter Walker, which discusses a number of the topics you mention including energy.

After the release of GESARA, we are expecting Tesla Free energy units to be released to the public. These are about the size of a large smartphone and provide enough energy to power a house, or an electric car.

While we do not know exactly when this will be released, we are expecting the roll out to be in 2023.

I hope this helps.

Peter Walker

Je te suggère également de rejoindre notre forum jumeau, également dirigé par Peter Walker, qui traite d'un certain nombre de sujets que tu mentionnes, y compris l'énergie.

Après la publication de GESARA, nous nous attendons à ce que des unités d'énergie Tesla Free soient mises à la disposition du public. Ces unités ont à peu près la taille d'un grand smartphone et fournissent suffisamment d'énergie pour alimenter une maison ou une voiture électrique.

Bien que nous ne sachions pas exactement quand cela sera publié, nous nous attendons à ce que le déploiement ait lieu en 2023.

J'espère que cela t'aidera.

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Re: Can you put me in touch with QFS workers in France ?

Post by Vega_Star »

Because you identify as "Sunbeam" and I happen to be French too and working in solar energy, I'm tempted to provide a different answer than Peter's. What you seem to manifest is the desire to develop at least one Humanitarian Project along your lines of interest/passion. This means you need at least to buy zim bonds (Trillion series of 2008) from, e.g., a numismatic website for collectors, and bring them to a redemption center when the time has come (sooner than later, possibly a matter of days if all goes well now). You'll also need to prepare a written description of your project(s). That should be short, up to 2 pages, although some groups push for something much more elaborate.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Sat May 25, 2024 10:26 am.
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