Member not allowed to message

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Joined: Mon Aug 07, 2023 5:27 pm
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Member not allowed to message

Post by ThxHP-49 »

I forgot which N G channel I was on and accidently sent a message about "Bees wing vibrations and their Hexagon Hive" to a friend on Telegram. It was not intentional and I've missed so much. I would like to be returned to the platform, please I'm 74 and I'm not too good on Media. Thank you and i enjoy your show very much.  
Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Mar 26, 2023 6:21 pm
LOCATION (State/Country): Uk

Re: Member not allowed to message

Post by kiwigold77 »

I live in Uk and although I am a member and also on Telegram, I have seen no posts at all on Telegram since 09.15 this morning, Tuesday 6th of February and I don’t know why
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