Been Waiting A Long Time For This, NOW is the time for NESARA/GESARA QFS

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Been Waiting A Long Time For This, NOW is the time for NESARA/GESARA QFS

Post by Nesarawise »

Hello all we were introduced to the NESARA/GESARA concept well over 2 decades ago, it is well over due, our understanding is NESARA was to be announced on 9-11 , some of.the key documents were in the WTC and needed to be destroyed by the DS, of course we all know what happened that day and the massive confusion and distraction not to mention carnage it created, fast.forward now to today where the DS and globalists like the WEF want to shove CBDCs down the worlds throat, here in the US 24 states including the state.of.Texas where we currently reside are.saying CBDCs, the dollar is about to crash,  today more than ever the time is ripe for NESARA/GESARA bring on the QFS before it's too late, if not now.when?
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Re: Been Waiting A Long Time For This, NOW is the time for NESARA/GESARA QFS

Post by millerjovana »

I learned about Nesara/Gesara few months ago and am excited about the whole thing. I hope and pray that it will be introduced soon.  :)
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