Black Friday Madness and Inflation

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Black Friday Madness and Inflation

Post by Ariel »

Hello. Can anyone answer this please?

The more I explore the prospect of GESARA, the more I see everyone wearing rose tinted spectacles.

We see people go crazy to get reduced prices of products on so-called Black Fridays. Market prices for goods works on deliberate scarcity. This provides the incentive and need for people to work to survive while making those who own businesses or corporations immensely rich 

When GESARA arrives there will be no incentive for people to work as they did before it. Everyone now has money but no one is producing goods. Those who have goods to sell from before GESARA will now be asking gold bars for their goods, causing explosive inflation before complete scarcity as the few goods are snapped up.

What will prevent a complete collapse of all economies minutes after GESARA is activated?

Many thanks


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Joined: Tue Jul 25, 2023 6:39 pm
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Re: Black Friday Madness and Inflation

Post by Ariel »

Well - 

We're expected to believe that an act of horrific terrorism was conducted to prevent NESARA from being announced - over 20 years ago.

If it was prevented from being announced, it was ready to be introduced. acted upon. 20 years on, still not announced. Ergo - far from ready - if it's even ready now.

A quick look down the forum shows hundreds of "views" for the posts - zero replies to almost all of them. the most basic questions. Ergo - far from ready, no-one knows anything about it.

A child believing in the tooth fairy and Santa Claus has far more grounds for believing than anyone has in this NESARA/GESARA Unicorn. Then there is the Charlie Ward stuff. Really? The man radiates naivety and he has a part to play in this? Heaven forbid!

4 months to go before I can hang my stocking up for some believable results.
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